Work Hard, Party Hard
“There’s not exactly an instruction manual on a subject as broad as “fun”.”
A Gap In Time
“Planning your days around your own capabilities and needs can offer better results than simply trudging through every barrier you come across“
One Final Effort
“By the time you’re adding supports for the newly minted table, you might decide it’s too late to stop and move to a new project.“
Comes With The Territory
“With this in mind, next time you feel like going back to that familiar warm blanket, ask yourself if you are truly tired, or just looking for a way out.“
Odds And Ends
“I rarely open my closet and decided it would be devoid of items for that reason. Though what I found when I opened the door was instead a space devoid of room.“
Read ‘Em And Weep
“That would have been fine as long as I was playing with friends. Or so I thought“
Keeping An Eye On Things
“Some might call this multitasking, though that implies you are performing multiple tasks at one time.”
The After Party
“This might seem counter intuitive, in fact normally it would be. But everybody is different“
Seeing Red…And White
“Even the most determined amongst us might have trouble weighing rest against performance“
Frightful Weather
“I feel it is important to be ready and willing to throw yourself at obstacles, no matter how tough, or cold“
There’s Always An Answer
“If anybody else were looking at your position from the outside, the answer would leap to the front of their mind in an instant“
An End To Things
“When you start packing your bags for a multi-day trek, you’ll pack things you think you will need”
A Kind Word
“This made it no surprise that people wouldn’t even want to go trick or treating for free candy 2 years in a row”
Some Scholars Are Not Worth An Ear
“if someone shows no interest in you, perhaps they aren’t worth your time.”
Even Eating Takes Practice
“I finally made something I wouldn’t be offended to see served in a restaurant”