There’s Always An Answer
After coming across multiple crossroads in your life, you will probably decide against going down a different path just because it would take too much effort to change your direction. Most of the time you were probably right, but for every ten times you were right, there’s going to be one where you were wrong, and you could be very wrong. (The Knight Street Bridge on Nov 29th for instance.)
In those cases, it was probably something obvious you missed. Something so obvious that you wouldn’t even believe the answer was there before. So easy that if anybody else were looking at your position from the outside, the answer would leap to the front of their mind in an instant. So brainless, that if you were to look back at your decision with the benefit of hindsight, you would kick yourself for not having seen it there and then.
This is why, so long as you have the time, you should take a step back from any major decision you want to make and investigate all possible angles, you might even find a path you didn’t know existed. like how for instance, I myself stumbled upon an electronics supplier just a couple streets away from my own house while on my way to a store I found online. The only reason I didn’t find them before was because they had yet to make a google maps ad for their store. I can hardly blame them, that costs $10 a day at the very least! With how agreeable their prices were compared to the store I originally intended to visit, I was ecstatic to make the discovery.
Thanks for reading and I hope you learned something from my own lesson in life.