An End To Things
It is natural for people to have ambitions or goals, however big or small. This can be anywhere from getting another chance to eat their favourite meal, to buying a prairie mansion, land and all. But what happens when you reached that goal? What happens when you don’t know what to do next?
One solution is to make another goal.
From what I’ve seen and experienced myself over the years, people are not designed to sit around and wait. In fact, the moment we start wasting away a whole slew of negative emotions and behaviors begin to present themselves.
Depression, anger, anxiety, self loathing, addiction and other destructive tendencies can usually be staved off by working towards a long-term objective. Why this helps stave off less desirable tendencies can be as simple as planning for a hike. When you start packing your bags for a multi-day trek, you’ll pack things you think you will need, such as water, food, first aid, all the important things. Looking to one side you might see the things that comfort you, but would only slow you down should you decide to take them on your journey. The television you endlessly waste time on would lack the power it needs to function on such a trip. The chocolate cake you engorge yourself on would be ruined the very first time you stumble over a tree root in the forest.
Basically, when you have a particular goal in mind you will start to decide that certain things aren’t worth doing, thankfully it’s usually bad habits that get dropped first. This is why it can be a bad thing when you have nothing but time, since there is nothing you don’t have time for, it’s hard to find a reason to not eat that chocolate cake, or watch endless infomercials late at night on your TV.
Thanks for reading and I hope you learned something from my own lesson in life.