Quantum Computing And How Far We've Come
“With the normal method of making computers, smaller is usually better.“
Computers And Their Upgrades
“With all of that, your planned $700 purchase has just ballooned to double that, if not more.“
Tech On My Mind
“This may be the very reason you’ve seen computers getting smaller and smaller over the years.“
Surging Forth
“Having done this blog for over a year straight, I can safely say that this part of keeping an online presence is far easier than I was led to believe.“
Empty Storage
“Boxes, closets and stacking are the obvious answers of course, but in todays world those answers are easily overrun with stuff in no time flat.“
Kept Well Aloft
“Sitting around and doing absolutely nothing is an option, an attractive one at that.“
A Guaranteed Break
“The first option is always the easiest. Give up. Turn right around, open your door, take your shoes off and collapse on your couch.“
Red Open Door
“Though many find it easy to forget that this means effort over not just a day, a week, a month, but well over a year in most cases.“
Setting The Moon
“Slamming ones head against the problem until it’s over is usually the first answer. Why do anything else when the problem is standing between you and your goals?“
Discovering The Future
“Hardly anyone actually wants time to pass by, unless you’re having to sit through something like school, or a meeting.“
Faded Connections
“Many people would open their mouths to let out a surprised and friendly ‘Hey! How are you?’”
Shipwrecked Potential
“So what then? Toss it all to the wind? Sell it all at a loss and start somewhere else?”
The Best Kind Of Broken Plans
“And just like that your plans have fallen to the wind. Now what?“
Dreams And How To Have Them
“Cap it off with a wonderful family, a house boat and a fleet of luxury cars at your disposal. Sounds pretty nice right?”
Tunnels And Their Lights
“To show this, I will give an example of a recent embarrassment I suffered, one of the very worst kinds I can imagine no less.“
Duck And Cover
“Though for one reason or another, be it a food shortage or heavy regulations, you know a downswing in business is on its way.“
Another Meeting With Tomorrow
“AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, which is a field of computer science that focuses on the creation and development of intelligent machines“
Making The Right Call
Sometimes it’s outright impossible to know if what you’ve decided to do is the right move to make.