Shipwrecked Potential
Hi there and welcome to the Cowboy Computer Repair blog. Honestly I’m surprised that I’ve kept this going for as long as I have. From the way I heard it keeping a blog like this can burn you out fast, yet here I am, typing away to a ghost of an audience. Though don’t get me wrong, I have plenty of projects I’ve had to give up. And today I’d like to go over what you should do when those plans go wrong, cause trust me, most will.
In previous blogs, I have touched on the idea of shifting tools from one failed plan to another. I feel that should still be practiced far more than what I’m about to suggest here. But there is a time and place where trying to take the assets from a failed plan and formulating a successful one with those same parts just isn’t possible. So what then? Toss it all to the wind? Sell it all at a loss and start somewhere else? Just admit defeat even though you’ve been trying your damndest to stay above water?
At some point, a sinking ship makes for a better anchor than a place to stay afloat. While it might be honorable to go down with the ship, there’s no reason to inflict more pain on yourself after you already realized the mistake you made. At the very least, unlike a sunk ship you can actually sell the hardware you used to start your endeavours to give yourself a bit of cash on your next project. While it may hurt to rip the bandaid off, it will hurt immensely if you take it off slowly instead. So come on, let’s jump ship onto the next one, eh?
Thanks for reading and I hope you learned something from my own lesson in life.