Empty Storage

Hello and welcome to another blog at Cowboy Computer Repair! Have you ever find yourself stepping over and around all kinds of items in your own home? If so, it might be worth your while to stay and consider ways to save on space when it’s in short supply with me.

Boxes, closets and stacking are the obvious answers of course, but in todays world those answers are easily overrun with stuff in no time flat. A different answer can be creating more storage. Either through renting storage space, or buying yourself a nice premade shed from Homedepot (who normally deliver so long as you don’t live too far away from cities) can easily expand the space you have to work, just make sure to store things that don’t rot easily if you intend to store it outside in such a manner.

If the cost of these solutions seems too much for the effort, here’s a second one. Get rid of the clutter. Simply sell or trash the offending items until you have a nice walking path through our home again. Then if you ever need that item again, use the money you saved on headache medication from having to maneuver your own home and buy it once more. If that still seems ridiculous, consider how long it’s been since you used the items last, and consider how many times they’ve been an inconvenience to you since then. Not to mention all the time they’ve spent in disuse might have cause them to rust, mold, seize or fall in to some form of disarray.

Honestly in my experience, selling random tools and other tidbits ends up taking more effort than earning that money back in a different way, so unless it’s worth a pretty penny and still in good condition, I honestly wouldn’t even bother with that avenue, though you are still welcome to try, it’s your time after all.

Thanks for reading and I hope you learned something from my own lesson in life.


Surging Forth


Kept Well Aloft