Surging Forth
Hello! I’m glad to have you here on Cowboy Computer Repair. In today’s blog I’d like to be a little more personal than usual and offer some insight in to my own business and possibly the website going forward.
Having done this blog for over a year straight, I can safely say that this part of keeping an online presence is far easier than I was led to believe. Though I feel its ease does not outweigh its effectiveness, as I’m not sure there is a single person who has found my website through my blog alone. If you are one of those lucky few be sure to let my know on my email, but I feel even if there were some who did it was not indicative of someone who’s even interesting in the service I provide. While this is indeed easy, and I will probably continue to do so, I will do what I can to make sure it is more focused towards the industry I work in instead of looking towards a broader appeal.
With that said, I will say I have found quite a degree of success with other projects of mine. Some that don’t even require buying equipment, don’t require burning fuel, and has me seeing quite a few more clients at higher pay no less. Meaning my efforts here have quite literally taken a back seat to other projects, not because I am less interested in Cowboy Computer Repair, but because there is quite literally less work for me here at this time. If you would like to contribute towards keeping me engaged here feel free to drop an email, or give me a call when my business is no longer on pause (Which it will be after October 18th 2023.)
In an effort to keep my dreams of success alive, it is in my best interest to continue forward without worry of leaving one thing stagnant or favouring another. Meaning without a doubt I wont be doing nearly as much business here as I’d like, after all my marketing that’s present anywhere save for Craigslist and Facebook seems to be nigh useless at bringing eyes to my website, and fewer still actually take the time to contact me despite being told by many how reasonable my prices are. If you yourself are to gain a lesson from this, let it be you should never put all your eggs in one basket, because I know I wont.
Thanks for reading and I hope you learned something from my own lesson in life.