Kept Well Aloft

Hi there, thanks for coming to another blog on Cowboy Computer Repair! Have you ever found yourself in a comfortable place in life? Are you still there or did your environment change to the point where lazing about was no longer an option? In todays writing we will explore the very idea of being in a comfortable place and why remaining there is anything but.

So you’ve finally done it. You amassed enough wealth in to stocks that you can simply get paid every month and put no effort in to work to afford food, utilities, taxes and so on. Now what? Sitting around and doing absolutely nothing is an option, an attractive one at that. Though despite how it sounds, it is by far the riskiest and most difficult thing you can do in that scenario. While waking up whenever you please and doing little more than eat, bathe and enjoy some entertainment here and there sounds easy, the hard part is doing so while staying within your means. This means there are no splurges, few celebrations and even fewer vacations. On the other hand, this lifestyle implies that everything will stay the same for the entire time you decide to do nothing. After what we all saw happen with a certain global issue, I believe it’s safe to say nothing is immune to change.

Here’s another way to look at it. Treading water is hard to do, especially if you’re doing it for long enough. Unfortunately swimming is sometimes the only way to get to where you’d like to be. Unless of course you had wings like a bird. In fact, some people may even believe they would discard their desires to even get to one island or another if they could simply fly forever. Though even birds have to put in the work to stay aloft. They constantly have to account for wind, keep track of their own altitude and flap their wings to adjust, sometimes multiple times a second. Even if it would be easy for them to remain in the same part of the sky and simply circle their area till the end of days, many of them have to travel to avoid the harsher conditions the seasons have to offer.

In the end, those who seem free as a bird may only seem that way because of all the hard work they are putting in to being that free, effort that may go un noticed for the glimpse you saw them.

Thanks for reading and I hope you learned something from my own lesson in life.


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