Making The Right Call

Welcome to another installment of Cowboy Computer Repair Weekly! Where I write self improvement blocks for you free of charge! I’ve been playing with the idea of having a more dedicated paid version of this readers could subscribe to. If you’d like that, shoot me an email letting me know what you’d like to hear about if I did so. Until then, I’d like to touch on the very idea of finding ways to make the right call.

Sometimes it’s outright impossible to know if what you’ve decided to do is the right move to make. In these trying times, knowing which call is the right one can easily be the difference between stagnating and flourishing. Using my idea of a paid service as an example, how am I to know that doing that is the right call? Sure people could email me and tell me how wonderful that idea is, but it is far from likely that people will ask for their demands to be met when they can easily be fulfilled somewhere that already has a service like that running. So the obvious step is to just do it right? Not quite. Even on a website builder as amazing as squarespace, they need to make money too. Meaning if I were to open a subscription service here I would need to start paying them immediately despite have no subscribers. Then all that’s left is to prepare a few articles before I make my first move so I can have a pile of articles to read through from the get go, adding value even if someone were to subscribe on day one and putting me in the rankings of my competitors. There’s only one small issue with that.


The final issue that everyone runs into if they consider a problem for long enough. In fact considering a problem for too long can result in time being an issue when it wasn’t one in the first place! Sadly it’s usually just enough to dissuade people from pursuing what they really want to in life. After all, you can’t just get more time right? Wrong. There’s is one place you can always pull time from, and that would be your free time. Arguably the most painful place to take time from, as the goal in most in life is to take time AWAY from work, the fact that it’s hard to do makes it value able. I want you to consider how much time you’ve spent on things during your free time, and I don’t mean eating, sleeping, cleaning, or hobbies you might have. I mean watching TV, playing video games, mindlessly browsing the internet or doom scrolling on your phone. Any one of these could easily add up to 10,000 hours, even if you only do them for a few hours a week. Imagine how good you would be at playing the violin if you dedicated all that time towards it, or what kind of food you’d be able to make if you spent all that in learning how to cook! Now consider that time once more and think about if you have the time to see if what your pursuing is the right call. You might just realize, all you had to do was go and walk the path a while and see what comes of it, time be damned.

Thanks for reading and I hope you learned something from my own lesson in life.


Another Meeting With Tomorrow


Building The Blocks