Building The Blocks

Hi there! Glad you could make it to another blog post of mine. Seeing as you are rather dedicated in reading these, perhaps it’s timely to give you a tool that is made more effective through dedication.

Let’s say you want to be an artist. Surely all you would need to practice are a pencil, eraser and a piece of paper, right? Not quite. Sure you could try and fit multiple drawings on the same sheet, but that would fill quickly. This means you will soon find yourself having to go out and buy a new sheet of paper all too soon. Not long after that, you would find yourself buying a new pencil and it spirals from there.

Consider how long a notebook would last you instead, with a mechanical pencil to boot. Not only that, these items can be used for far more than drawing alone, meaning if you ever decide to pivot focus these items will still be useful. This can extend to almost any hobby you can think of, along with quite a few careers too. Try thinking of it this way, buying better tools in the beginning means having to spend less later.

Thanks for reading and I hope you learned something from my own lesson in life.


Making The Right Call


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