A Far Away Time

Welcome! You have found yourself at a blog post on Cowboy Computer Repair. Stay a while and you might just learn something. Today I will talk of a time far away from now. A time where snow is still on the ground. Where you have EVERYTHING figured out.

Finding out how life should be, or rather figuring out what you need in life can be a difficult process. Sure there’s the obvious such as income for food, housing and other similar comforts. But what about that life you saw on TV? Or in a movie? The Marriage, Kids, white collar job and proverbial MANSION of a house. Suddenly that complicates things doesn’t it? In fact, it might be so complicated that you aren’t even sure how complicated it really is.

Here’s an example for you. If you are over the age of twenty five (Which is more than likely if you found this website) I want to ask you something. At what age did you think you had it all figured out? My guess is around twenty years old. That seems to be the age that everyone I’ve asked says they had their lives together. They started a decent job, had a bright outlook on life, maybe even a decent relationship with a partner at the time. But at some point it all fell apart, didn’t it?

Truth is, nothing may have fallen apart at all. Perhaps it was simply a case of you getting a reality check. Maybe you lost that girl or guy, maybe you had a falling out with your parents, maybe your work decided to pass you up for a promotion for the last time and you decided to throw a different aspect of your life out the window because you felt particularly spiteful at the time. Did all that happen because the world is actively trying to destroy you? Because there’s some secret group of people who want specifically YOU to fail? Did someone in your family truly have it out for you? Or was it simply that life isn’t all it’s cracked up to be?

In truth, a lot of the time that anyone decides they have life figured out, it’s only because they are so ignorant about the world that they are living in pure bliss. Not that they were wrong to think so highly of the world, what when you’re told repeatedly that life is this or life is that, it’s easy to start believing it, until of course that view is challenged. So all in all? Don’t sweat it. If you’re well into your forties and still believe you have nothing figured out, just know that the only people who DO have it all figured out, probably never had a TV in the first place (Or a mobile phone for that matter).

Thanks for reading and I hope you learned something from my own lesson in life.


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