Keeping An Eye On Things

Happy new years! Even if it is a few days late, same week same deal right? Seeing as this is a time for change, perhaps it’s time to look reflect on how we make changes in more detail. Let’s try an example.

When you decide to toast bread, do you stare at it to make sure it toasts? Of course not! Instead you’re getting butter from the fridge, readying the rest of your meal, or simply browsing your phone. When you’re making plans for your future, or even the very near future, you should aim to make preparations in much the same way. If you do nothing but stare and wait, which can come in the form of nagging a company for progress on a deadline that has yet to come, gives nothing but grief to the people you’re trying to get service from. Instead, try getting ready for the desired (or undesired) outcome. Making an ad for the product you commissioned the parts for. Buying more fabric for the new looms you ordered. Or, if you’re truly worried about your deal falling through, research other avenues to get the same service. So if the worst comes to pass, you already have another business lined up to solve your problem.

Some might call this multitasking, though that implies you are performing multiple tasks at one time. Trust me when I say this method is far less complicated than anything like that. In fact, this involves focusing on one thing at a time until you can no longer influence it, which is a good way to stave off boredom if nothing else. Next time you feel yourself loathing the time you spend waiting on something, try to switch focus to another piece of the puzzle, or something else entirely.

Thanks for reading and I hope you learned something from my own lesson in life.


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