Wherever You Are
Hi there, I hope you have found this blog of mine in good health. For this writing, I would like to touch on a topic that can help you through the best and worst of times. Something that can show you the light in any darkness. Faith.
Be it faith in the world, faith in those around you, today I would like to focus on the faith you have in yourself. It’s completely normal to have doubts about yourself or your own abilities, so long as they are an exception to the rule. There is not a person in the world that manages to avoid self-doubt forever, though in that same vain, there is no one who is successful who doubted themselves every step of the way. The horrible truth about these doubts is they are usually born from logic, meaning they are closer to true than most observations you could have about a situation.
Sure it’s possible that a you get unlucky and it all goes entirely wrong, sure someone you’re counting on could end up late and you’ll be left without a sail on your boat. But you know what is even less likely than any bad outcome? Success, that is, if you don’t believe it can happen, it wont. Conversely, if you believe yourself to be insurmountable, unflinching in the face of failure, then it may very well be that you are in cable of failure, at least not in a way that matters. Being able to turn a complete failure into a learning experience can be a skill of its own, but a skill will touch on another day. For now leave this article with this final tidbit:
Yes, a perfect world where you are successful in everything you wish to be doesn’t exist, it may even be foolish to think such a thing could come to pass. But how could that wish ever come true if you don’t believe it’s true?
Thanks for reading and I hope you learned something from my own lesson in life.