From The Horizon

Sometimes a look into the future can end up being more than good, but necessary. Welcome to another blog on Cowboy Computer Repair, where instead of a lengthy hello we will hit the ground running today.

Looking into the short term future can be rather easy to do. You put bread inside of a toaster, depress the lever and so long as it is plugged in it with surely produce toast. For what we’re talking about today, the short term will not be as important, though what about the long term, your career of choice for instance?

Looking this far into the future can not only help, but end up being the difference between flourishing and failing. Simply going through life without any idea of what you want to be doing will have you wandering around in circles, never really pushing through hardships since you have another path to walk just the other way. Consider if a ship captain decided to leave port and simply meander about the water aimlessly. Sure you could describe that to be at least one part of sight seeing, but if the captain had no plan to return to port later that day, they could easily end up lost at sea, with no food and ironically no water.

When a vessel leaves its dock, the man in charge of it always has a destination in mind, without one there’s hardly a point in untying the rope to enter the sea. Think to yourself how little point there is to leave your own house without a clear goal you’ve set for yourself to accomplish. Given few enough things to do in a day, you might not even have a reason to rise from your bed! So if you find yourself lacking determination or at a loss as to what to do in a day, think about what you want your life to look like in the future. Then, think about the steps you would need to take in order to achieve that. Finally, make one goal after another and accomplish until you have nothing left to do, then do it some more!

Thanks for reading and I hope you learned something from my own lesson in life.


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