The Best Kind

Hello there! I hope you had a wonderful easter this year, if you’re at all curious mine was splendid. For this Thursday, I would like to write about all kinds of first meetings you can have with people, from passing greetings to fateful encounters. This post will focus on what happens after a friendship has been established and one kind of person to hold on to.

If you’ve been going out and meeting people for long enough you will more than likely be meeting people with interests similar to yours (If not, consider changing your habits.) People with interests similar to yours will more than likely be in careers similar to yours. When you manage to meet someone that is not only working in your career of choice, but is far more experienced than you and rather down to earth, that is precisely the time to grab on and hold them for dear life.

Since they know far more than you and they’ve proved that by being successful for longer than you’ve been in the industry, just talking to them is already a benefit to you. Further than that look for opportunities to help them with lowly work, which can start with asking to come along with them to a project or worksite they mention and end up as simple as carrying stuff for them, cleaning the floors of a building or just buying a box of donuts for them and whoever else is there. Then comes the next important part, making sure they are willing to reciprocate. Now be warned, literally asking them for compensation will immediately turn what could have been a beautiful relationship into nothing more than a slave working for scraps. On the other hand, make sure after a week or two of doing these chores/tasks they actually do end up giving back to you, from introducing you to their circle as a potential employee to giving you resources/equipment you may need to further your career is important as well. In other words, so long as neither side tries to exploit the other, you have landed yourself a situation that is worth its weight in diamonds.

As a parting note, make sure to not fight them on a word they say. If they tell you you’re doing something wrong, respectfully agree and just do it better. On the other hand, if they really don’t give you anything of value for your efforts in return after almost a month, cut your losses and move on, can’t know if you don’t try after all.

Thanks for reading and I hope you learned something from my own lesson in life.


A Safe Bet


Springing Forward