Outdoing Yourself

Hello there and welcome to another weekly blog post! I hope you are advancing at a good pace on whatever path you’ve chosen, but what is a good pace? It’s not the greatest idea to constantly compare yourself to others, so what if you competed against your past self?

When aiming for a long term goal, it’s normal to decide you need to keep track of your progress. Some people choose to look at other people that achieved what they want and model their progress after theirs, though this method can have serious pitfalls. No matter how much someone says about themselves, you will miss almost every detail about their lives. Who helped them on a particular day, what advice they were given, all the way down to what they ate the morning they started can not only be forgotten but be extremely important for their success. There is someone however who can be more easily tracked. Someone who’s day to day routine is an open book to your eyes.


You know what you ate yesterday morning, if anything at all. You know what exercises you did last week and what your sleep has been like since. With this knowledge, you can compare how you felt after these activities compared to how you feel now. This allows you to modify your efforts, change your strategies and plan for the future, all by comparing you to yourself. This makes it far easier to progress in many different ways, even better, all you have to do to be your best self is do one more curl than you did last time.

Thanks for reading and I hope you learned something from my own lesson in life.


A Glimpse Of Tomorrow


A Safe Bet