All Good Things

Hello and thanks for reading this blog. This one is going to be a little different from the others. Where all the rest were weekly, brimming with advice and ever ready to be seen, this one isn’t weekly, as it is the final post. In other words, it’s over.

While this by no means is a halt to the services offered at Cowboy Computer Repair, at this point I am too busy and simply not getting paid enough to write for this every week. After starting this humble blog just over a year ago I am somewhat sad to see it go, but glad I had at least a handful of people stop by over the year and get some good out of it.

In the future I will use this area purely for announcements of new products or services I am offering, which I would still recommend checking out when you have the time, though those announcements will be no where near weekly, maybe not even monthly. To that end, I recommend signing up to the news letter to have new offers delivered right to your email so you don’t even need to take the time to check this website at all.

As for what I’ll be doing instead, I am taking the time I would normally dedicate to this among other tasks and putting it in to training for other skills or services that I can offer my clients (i.e. you!) so that I can grow this business in to something people can rely on for more than just fixing problems, but also preventing them to begin with.

If you’d like to talk I am still available on my email at, or by phone which can be found at the bottom left of this page.

Until then, this has been Andrew at the Cowboy Computer Repair Blog. Thank you very much for reading and have a nice day!


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